What Makes a Good Beer?
Defining a “good” beer is quite subjective. Oftentimes it really just depends on the individual’s preference. An easy way to figure out what you like is to try as many different types as possible. Consider the aroma and flavor of the beer. Factors such as the hop variety, malt bill, and yeast strain can all affect the final product.
The basic ingredients of beer are remarkably simple - water, yeast, grain, and hops. However, a skilled brewer is like a master chef who can transform these few ingredients by developing a unique concept and tweaking each variable to craft the perfect experience.
At WanderLinger, we use only the highest-quality ingredients to create high-quality beer. From our slightly sweet Appalachian Altbier to the classic character of our Mt. Sterling Pilsner - there’s something for every taste.
We keep a variety of styles always available, so stop by our taproom to sample some of Chattanooga’s finest beer!
Featured Beers:
Wander Linger Lager
A light, smooth Munich Helles. Great for throwing back by the liter on a hot day. Light gold to straw color with brilliant clarity and frothy white head. Malty yet light in body. Linger a little longer on one of these lagers!
100 Day IPA
A bold American IPA brewed with a combination of classic American hops. Color is pale copper to golden at the edges with a thick, white, lingering head. Strong citrus and piney aroma, slightly resinous. Smooth mouthfeel with a dry finish. Sharp but balanced bitterness.
Buzzard’s Coffee Porter
Brewed up by aging our Hobb’s Cabin Porter on locally roasted coffee beans, courtesy of Velo Coffee! This is a classic American Porter amped up with coffee to get you buzzed!